Converting Trial to Full Version
Get Full Version
The trial version of USB over Network has some limitations such as a time trial. Once you have purchased the license, a license key will be sent to you to unlock the software for full use.
All possible payment ways are accepted (credit cards, purchase orders, checks, mail, phone, fax orders, wire transfer).
Convert Trial to Full Version
1. Open the email containing the license key.
2. Select license key (including --BEGIN and --END lines) and copy it to the clipboard (Command-C).

3. In the USB over Network (macOS version) window, click the
button, then .
4. License key will be entered from clipboard automatically. Follow the instructions to apply new license key. Click
, then in the next window to apply new license key.
Alternatively, you can open Terminal and enter the license key from clipboard with the following command:
$ usbphysctl lic load -y (reading from stdin. Press ^D to finish. Will be applied automatically.) -----BEGIN USBOVERNETWORK KEY BLOCK----- kVV3DLvUl6YA3e3hiewuxFBLRgoEAAAAYVBaATJZ yDvpJIHhOItxDA8AQzxEVZG/NozauV0W8DqXtNod kLWCTUa5a8XAqEDR5mtWDwDr31SqwaGh5Robu3Ps rQF+QH6LpRflyifHZMmjmgVcGwfF2N6kgCVDv1/M Q/CWFru65ojRp/r+g+3kaqaazR2oBmphKUs+Aarp ccSFCn+475K7RoQSJw/n5yTfcIJBahNES6AFLMGI vWiWpETHRkeyhIrrFqZYAcMakufHxHauUtsezlMl jOY3O5XhvPsyQQu2X7umcbkbiklo5BT40ew1wfQJ wOSDEp7fUeS3ymFCdiebguvAqcgZzoAFIddCwSmJ iCKixHq7Xe2f8AIvha9WN643Ki/a46sl6KCR2c6A 2D3yiuPQFn5L+4vtWlVuyYeHUVrH -----END USBOVERNETWORK KEY BLOCK----- License Type: user Licensed to: John Smith Number of licenses: 1 Allowed number of devices: 3 Expiration date: Sun Mar 24 02:00:00 2024 License key has been successfully updated!
...or from the file:
$ usbphysctl lic load /tmp/mykey.txt License Type: user Licensed to: John Smith Number of licenses: 1 Allowed number of devices: 3 Expiration date: Sun Mar 24 02:00:00 2024 Are you sure you want to apply this key [y/n]? y License key has been successfully updated!
To view details about active license you can use the usbphysctl lic show