Typical issues
Device with this problem has status Failed to share the device in the USB over Network GUI and don't react to any action.
- Try to re-plug the device into the same USB port.
- Try to plug the device into another USB port.
- Try to remove and reinstall the device from Device Manager:
- launch the Device Manager (press Win+R and enter devmgmt.msc);
- in the "Universal Serial Bus controllers" category find incorrectly working device. It will be marked with special icon:
or with this icon:
- select faulty device, press Del and confirm deletion;
- reinstall the device again (click Scan for hardware changes under the Action menu). - Try to uninstall USB over Network manually and reboot the computer. Then install it again.
Device with this problem has status Failed to share the device in the USB over Network GUI and don't react to any action.
Try to plug the device into another USB port. If Windows version older than 8.1 use USB 2.0 instead of USB 3.0. Some USB 3.0 hub drivers in older Windows versions does not match the USB specification completely.
Try to enable UseLegacyBus option. To do this, download the legacyBus.reg file on the computer where USB over Network (Client) is installed and apply it. Alternatively, create the UseLegacyBus DWORD value in the following registry location and set its value to 1:
Changes will be applied after device disconnect/reconnect in the USB over Network GUI.
Previous methods do not work but the device needs to be shared.
Device with this problem has status Failed to share the device in the USB over Network GUI and don't react to any action.
There is a fallback method to share the device manually using device driver substitution.
Being manually shared, the device will be unavailable for local use. Manual sharing cannot be stopped using USB over Network GUI. To stop manual sharing, rollback driver substitution as described below.
- launch the Device Manager (press Win+R and enter devmgmt.msc);
- in the Universal Serial Bus controllers category find the device which should be shared;
- right-click on the device and select Update Driver Software... option;
- click Browse my computer for driver software;
- select Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer;
- remember which driver is currently in use in order to revert changes and stop sharing later;
- if you need to share the device, select FabulaTech USB driver;
- if you need to stop device sharing, select appropriate driver from the device vendor;
If there is a bug with the functionality of our software, do the following:
On the computer where USB over Network (Client) is installed, download the enable_logs_usbnet_cln.reg file and apply it.
Alternatively, launch regedit, find the LogLevel REG_DWORD value in the following registry location and set it to 3:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\FabulaTech\USB over Network (Client)
- Restart the service: FabulaTech USB over Network (Client) or reboot your PC.
(Press + , type services.msc, right-click the required service and select Restart. Administrator privileges are required to perform this operation.) - Enable logging on the USB over Network (Server) side.
Reproduce the issue you encountered 2-3 times. Remember local time when the problem was reproduced.
After you enable logging and restart the services, log files will be created in the following location:
Add this folder to archive (right-click, then point to Send to and select Compressed (zipped) folder).
Send compressed logs to us (). Specify local time when the problem was reproduced and both local and remote user names who was involved in the reproducing.
Disable logging (in order to improve the performance of your PC).
On the computer where USB over Network (Client) is installed, download the disable_logs_usbnet_cln.reg file and apply it.
Alternatively, you can launch regedit, find the LogLevel REG_DWORD value in the following registry location and set it to 0:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\FabulaTech\USB over Network (Client)
- Restart the services: FabulaTech USB over Network (Client) and FabulaTech Netlink 3 supervisor service or reboot your PC.
(Press + , type services.msc, right-click the required service and select Restart. Administrator privileges are required to perform this operation.)
If the process crashes, do the following:
This feature is not enabled by default. Enabling the feature requires administrator privileges.
To enable Crash Dump, download the enable_dump.reg file and apply it.
Alternatively, enable and configure this feature using the following registry values under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps key:- value: DumpFolder, type: REG_EXPAND_SZ, data: %LOCALAPPDATA%\CrashDumps - value: DumpType, type: REG_DWORD, data: 2
- Reboot your PC.
Reproduce the issue you encountered 2-3 times. Remember local time when the problem was reproduced.
Location of crash dumps:
1. Applications:
2. System services:
%WINDIR%\System32\Config\SystemProfile\AppData\Local\CrashDumps Or, in case of 32-bit service on Windows 64-bit OS: %WINDIR%\SysWOW64\Config\SystemProfile\AppData\Local\CrashDumps
3. Local and Network services:
%WINDIR%\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Local\CrashDumps %WINDIR%\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\Local\CrashDumps
If not configured properly:
Add the crash dump to archive (right-click, then point to Send to and select Compressed (zipped) folder).
Send compressed dump to us (). Specify local time when the problem was reproduced and both local and remote user names who was involved in the reproducing.
If there is a BSOD caused by our software, do the following:
- Open the Start Menu, select Control Panel - System.
- Find the Advanced/Advanced system settings section.
- In the Advanced/Advanced system settings section, click on the Settings button under Startup and Recovery.
- Select Kernel memory dump from the Write debugging information drop down menu.
- Check both the Write an event to the system log and Automatically restart boxes.
- Reboot your PC.
Reproduce the issue you encountered 2-3 times. Remember local time when the problem was reproduced.
Find the file MEMORY.DMP (located on %SystemRoot% folder).
Contact us () to get further instruction.